Are Christians more tolerant than Christ | Seven part 4: The Wayward Church
Our world wants everyone to be tolerant until you no longer approve of what they do. The church is under a lot of pressure to tolerate sin. Yet Jesus is calling the church to turn away from evil and turn to God. In today’s message, we’ll learn that God wants us to stop tolerating sin and start moving towards Him.
What to do when we’ve compromised with God| Seven part 3: The Compromising Church
God calls us to be wholeheartedly devoted to Him. But our culture is constantly trying to make us compromise by having one foot in the world and the other in the church. God wants to help us get our hearts and minds back on Him. When we realize that we’ve compromised the truth or we’ve compromised sexually, we need to get back to wholehearted devotion to Him. The answer is to REPENT!
How to endure | Seven part 2: The Suffering Church
Life is hard. In this message we look at what God had to say to a church that was going through great persecution.
How to come back to Jesus| Seven part 1: The Forgetful Church
Do you remember when your passion for Jesus was white hot? You couldn’t get enough of the Bible, prayer and sharing your faith. But then, over time, your heart got colder. And you’ve drifted so far you aren’t sure how to make it back. In the first message of a brand new series, Pastor Nithin is going to talk about how you can thaw out that frozen heart and be close to Jesus again!
Circles are Stronger than Rows | Se7en series intro
In a culture that is increasingly hostile to the Christian faith, people often ask if the Bible is still relevant for today? Is God still speaking? Of course He is. The real question is: Are we listening? Imagine if our church received a letter from Jesus Himself. What would He say about our love for God? Endurance in trials? Faithful service? Would His words bring commendation… or condemnation? We do, in fact, have such a letter. In Revelation, the last book of the Bible, Jesus’ words to 7 churches are as relevant & today as they were in the 1st century.
How to parent well| Boy Meets Girl part 3: Parent with Intention
There are more challenges to parenting today then ever before. How can parents be intentional to help their kids know that they are loved and God has an incredible plan for their lives? Pastor Nithin is going to teach us two essential ingredients to intentional parenting.
How to win at singleness | Boy Meets Girl part 2: Singleness
Singles get so many different messages from the church and the world. The world tells you to party and make it about you, while the church pities singles for not being married. What if God had a bigger and better plan for singles? That brought more joy, more fulfillment than busyness and activity? Join Pastor Nithin as he shares Jesus’ bigger and better vision for singles.
How to Protect Your Marriage | Boy Meets Girl part 1: Marriage
Our culture is obsessed with the classic Love story of Boy Meets girl. This always ends in Happily Ever After. But have you ever wondered what happens after Happily Ever After? So many relationships fall apart because they haven’t found this classic ending. But there is hope! Whether your single, married or single again, we want to help you get the most out of your relationships by putting Jesus at the center.
Why We Sing In Church | UpHill Habits Part 5
Why do Christians sing on Sunday? It seems odd that the only place that people would break into song would be in an Irish pub. But for thousands of years, Christians have been singing to God. Pastor Nithin is going to break down why we sing, what worship is and how to get the most out of any worship experience.
Reading Scripture | Uphill Habits Part 4
The Bible is one of the best-selling collections of books of all time, but also perhaps the most misunderstood and misused of all time.
Pastor Nithin shares some ways we can approach the Bible in a healthy way to draw closer to God. This is the fourth week of City Alliance Church's "Uphill Habits" series.
Sabbath | Uphill Habits Part 3
We could all use a pause, a rest. Whether it's the stresses associated with our families, schedules, or continuing to deal with the pandemic, it's easy to neglect the importance of having disciplined space to slow down.
In the third week of our current series "Uphill Habits" Brandon Rathbun talks about stopping and setting time aside to rest. Sabbath is a gift from God that reminds us that God is sovereign and that He is the One who provides.
Rule of Life | Uphill Habits Part 2
In our culture, the greatest threat to the health of our spiritual life is often busyness. If we haven't rightly prioritized things that contribute to our firm foundation on Christ, things can fall apart when unexpected situations come our way.
Pastor Nithin continues our current series "Uphill Habits" and shares about prioritizing what's important by crafting a rule of life that helps us abide in Christ.
21 Day Fast | Uphill Habits Part 1
Especially coming into a new year, many of us have UPHILL HOPES. We may have the desire to be live a more healthy lifestyle, fix broken relationships, get organized, or quit a bad habit. The problem is often that we don't have the habits to make those hopes a reality.
Rest for the Restless
Are you tired? Worn out? Overwhelmed by all that comes with the Christmas season?
Those of you who are, this message is for you.
College and Communications Director Brandon Rathbun shares about the invitation from Jesus to abide in Him. Finding our rest in Jesus may not bring peace to our busy schedules, but we are offered peace in our souls.
Light of the world|Christmas Eve 2021
This is the season where we celebrate everything being merry and bright. However, for most of us this is a time that feels heavy and dark. Our fears, anxieties and disappointments sometimes overwhelm and overload us.
Join us this Christmas as we learn and celebrate that Jesus comes into our darkest hour, darkest moments and brings light to us and the world. He brings us out of the dark and into His light of hope, meaning and purpose.
Coming Home | Advent Part 3
We welcome Our founding pastor, Spencer Sweeting, as he continues our advent journey. Coming Home: Advent pt. 3
Grief and Loss During the Holidays | Advent Part 2
Pastor Nithin teaches us how we can get through the holiday season if we've experienced grief and loss. While it may seem you're only surviving the holidays, God's desire is that you will eventually be able to thrive during this time of year. There is purpose in your pain, so lean into Him during this Christmas season.
Bring Peace in Conflict | Advent Part 1
If Christmas is supposed to be about Peace on Earth, why is it that there is still so much conflict and violence in our world? School shootings, political polarization, and threats seem to hover all around us. Not only is this global, but also ever-present in our very lives as well! We experience conflict with family members, co-workers, and those who hold different views than our own. All this conflict can leave us wondering, "Where is this peace on earth that Jesus talks about?"
Help us do good this Christmas.
In this video, Pastor Nithin shares the Christmas Vision for 2021! We want to do good this Christmas by taking a Christmas Offering! We'll be receiving an offering for two causes. A compassion cause and a construction cause! We want to raise money for families that are in the process of adopting children. And we also want to start making some upgrades on our facility.
How to overcome shame | Overcoming a Toxic World Part 4
In this message, Pastor Nithin wants to unveil shame and show us how to identify it and counteract its toxic influence in our lives. You don't have to let shame have the last word or have complete control over you. We'll learn through courageous connection and the cross we can overcome shame and find peace, hope, and healing through His finished work!