New Believers
If you’re a new believer, we just want to say WELCOME to the family! Following Jesus is the greatest decision that you could ever make! There are times when it will be difficult and challenging, but overall it is incredibly fulfilling to follow Jesus. As you navigate what it means to follow Jesus, we wanted to help you answer any questions you may have. Here are a few things you should know.
Who is Jesus?
Maybe you’ve heard religious people talking about Jesus. But you may not always be tracking. Jesus was a historical figure that lived 2000 years ago in ancient Palestine. Christians don’t just believe that Jesus was a historical figure, but we also believe that He was God himself. God came into our world, as a fragile baby, as a human so that He could forgive our sins, and die to set us free from the power of death.
So when we put our trust in Jesus to forgive our sins and rescue us from our brokenness, we become part of God’s forever family. Jesus promises to be with believers by giving us His Spirit, what Christians call the Holy Spirit. So we can learn to hear God’s voice, have the power to obey it, and join His mission to transform the world and bring His good news to every man, woman, and child.
For more information, check out this video:
What is the Bible?
The bible is the most influential book in history. It is also one of the most misunderstood books as well. Christ-followers believe that God has revealed Himself through the Bible. The Bible is 66 books, but it tells one unified story. The story of Jesus! Of his love for us, and how God pursued humanity even when we rejected Him and wanted nothing to do with Him.
The Bible records how Jesus died to set us from the power of sin and death. It shows us how to live a life centered our Jesus, by reading His example and relying on His power to live that out in our day-to-day lives. As a New Believer, reading Scripture is the main way we are transformed. Consider downloading these Bible apps on your phone to help you begin to learn about the ways of Jesus.
Check out this video to learn more:
What is the Church?
Maybe you’ve driven by churches in the past. Religious people describe going to a church, like it’s a place. But for Christians, the church is a gathering of other followers of Jesus. We come together to learn about Jesus and how we can love Him better and find ways that we can serve him and others. It’s important to grow your relationship with by getting involved in a church that is all about loving Jesus and following the Bible.
At City Alliance, we believe that Jesus changes everything. And we spend time opening the Bible and studying what it says so that we can be better and hearing and obeying Jesus. If you don’t have a church home, consider making City Alliance the place where you will learn and grow in your understanding of Jesus.
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