21 Day Fast | Uphill Habits Part 1
Especially coming into a new year, many of us have UPHILL HOPES. We may have the desire to be live a more healthy lifestyle, fix broken relationships, get organized, or quit a bad habit. The problem is often that we don't have the habits to make those hopes a reality. Pastor Nithin begins a brand new series called "Uphill Habits" speaking about some essential habits to work towards our goals of growing in our spiritual walk with Jesus. This week, Nithin shares about the practice of fasting - abstaining from physical food for a spiritual purpose.
UpHill Habits
Coming into a new year, many of us have UPHILL HOPES. We may have the desire to be live a more healthy lifestyle, fix broken relationships, get organized, or quit a bad habit. The problem is often that we don't have the habits to make those hopes a reality.