Jesus is Coming Soon| Seven part 6: The Enduring Church
Life is hard. Sometimes it feels like an earthquake has ransacked your life and left you to pick up the pieces. In his letter to the church to Philadelphia, Christ writes to a church that has been devastated by literal and metaphorical earthquakes. Brandon shares about a personal metaphorical earthquake his wife and him are going through, a miscarriage, but how God's promises are true before, during, and after suffering. In this week’s message, we are challenged to be patient, endure, and cling to the promise that Jesus is coming soon.
In a culture that is increasingly hostile to the Christian faith, people often ask if the Bible is still relevant for today? Is God still speaking? Of course He is. The real question is: Are we listening? Imagine if our church received a letter from Jesus Himself. What would He say about our love for God? Endurance in trials? Faithful service? Would His words bring commendation… or condemnation? We do, in fact, have such a letter. In Revelation, the last book of the Bible, Jesus’ words to 7 churches are as relevant & today as they were in the 1st century.