Wake Up Call | Seven part 5: The Slumbering Church
Have you ever felt sleepy and completely in a daze? For many Christians, instead of having a vibrant faith in Jesus we’ve been sleepwalking through life, and may even sleep right through God’s plan and purpose for our lives. Wake Up! In this week’s message, we’ll learn how we can stay alert to the state of our souls.
In a culture that is increasingly hostile to the Christian faith, people often ask if the Bible is still relevant for today? Is God still speaking? Of course He is. The real question is: Are we listening? Imagine if our church received a letter from Jesus Himself. What would He say about our love for God? Endurance in trials? Faithful service? Would His words bring commendation… or condemnation? We do, in fact, have such a letter. In Revelation, the last book of the Bible, Jesus’ words to 7 churches are as relevant & today as they were in the 1st century.