What's My Purpose in Life | Welcome Home Part 2
In this City Alliance Church message, we'll learn the reason why God has put us on earth. It's for a bigger reason than we could have ever originally imagined. Our purpose on this planet is to be On Mission with Jesus! Pastor Nithin will show us how we find our true purpose and mission when we are on mission with Jesus.
UpHill Habits
At City Alliance Church, we believe this is God's heart for those who are far from God. We believe that God wants to welcome home the last, the least and the lost. You don't have to have your life together to deserve God's love, mercy and affection. In fact, you don't deserve it, but He gives it freely. Join us as Pastor Nithin shows us the heart of God based on one of the most famous stories written in the Bible. The Return of the Prodigal son.