Do Good At Work | Work As Worship: Pt. 2
So much of our work is all about the bottom line, which is making the most amount of money as possible. And when we make money the primary motivation, we end up hurting other people. But what if we used making profits as a way to bless others and help people prosper and thrive? This week we’ll learn how we can do good work that does good things for others.
Work As Worship
We will spend the majority of our lives at work. Work makes up a large portion of what we do. The world tells us that work is just a means to more comfort ... More stuff...More me. TV shows and even our misdirected language in the church have hijacked our view of work and belittled it as mundane and meaningless. But what if your work isn’t just to occupy time Monday to Friday…what if your work is an expression of your calling in life!