Become A Better Listener | #BlessWilpo Pt 2: Listen
Most Americans say that they struggle with loneliness and isolation. So many of us have never had a extended conversation with someone on a daily basis. This has led to the sad reality that we no longer know how to listen. We don’t know how to listen well to the people in our lives, nor do we know how to listen to the places that God has put us in. Join us to learn how we can listen and love the people in our lives and the places that God has put us in.
As followers of Jesus we know that God has placed us in a specific time, a specific place, and people for a reason. But how do we do that? In a time when we are more polarized than united, how can God use us to make a difference in our city? Our neighborhood and our family? Join us as we practically explore five practical ways that we can tangibly and spiritually BLESS Williamsport and the world.