God’s Way To Manage Money | The Almighty Dollar Pt 2: Tithes & Offerings
At City Alliance Church we don’t want something from you, but we want something for you. Our culture teaches us to aspire to acquire and keep up with the Jones’. But the truth is that the Jones’ are broke! Come and learn how to break the power of greed and to go from worshipping the Almighty Dollar to Almighty God!
The Almighty Dollar
It says on the dollar bill, in God we trust…but is that true? As Americans, we spend 30% of our lives working to earn an income. It seems that we can serve the Almighty Dollar rather than Almighty God. In this 2 part series, we’ll learn how we can shift from the fear and shame that finances can bring, and live in the freedom of joy and generosity from Christ-centered stewardship.